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- 1 print""
- 10 poke53280,11:poke53281,0:print"[147][158]"
- 20 print" color darkroom helper
- 30 [153]" by ronald c. newbery
- 40 print" (c) 1984
- 50 [153]" all rights reserved
- 60 print" [212]his program will assist you in
- 65 [153]" determining the correct color filter
- 70 print" settings, when you are printing color"
- 75 print" negative film.
- 80 [153]" (NULL)he program assumes you start with
- 84 print" filter setting and times as follows"
- 88 print" yellow = 50 / magenta = 50"
- 92 print" and an initial time of 10 seconds.
- 93 [153]" one moment..setting up
- 94 gosub5000
- 95 print" press any key to start
- 96 a$[178]"":[161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]96
- 100 [153]:[153]"loadlenhoose the number corresponding to the"
- 110 [153]"best description of your test print:"
- 115 [153]
- 120 [153]" 1... too red 4... too cyan"
- 130 [153]" 2... too green 5... too magenta"
- 140 [153]" 3... too blue 6... too yellow"
- 150 c$[178]"":c[178]0:[161]c$:[139]c$[178]""[167]150
- 160 c[178][197](c$):[139]c[179]1[176]c[177]6[167]150
- 170 c[178]c[171]1:[153]:[139]d[178]2[167][137]500
- 180 [153]" (NULL)hat are your current values for:"
- 190 [153]:[153]" magenta yellow exposure time"
- 200 [133]ma
- 203 [153]"on";:[133]yl
- 205 [153]"on";:[133]pt
- 220 [153]:[153]" how much excess ";c$(c,0)
- 225 [153]"is there in your test print:"
- 230 [153]:[153]" 1...very slight 3...considerable"
- 235 [153]" 2...slight 4...great"
- 250 b$[178]"":b[178]0:[161]b$:[139]b$[178]""[167]250
- 260 b[178][197](b$):[139]b[179]1[176]b[177]4[167]250
- 265 [139]b[178]1[167][137]300
- 270 [139]b[178]2[167]b[178]4:[137]300
- 280 [139]b[178]3[167]b[178]7:[137]300
- 290 [139]b[178]4[167]b[178]10
- 300 [139]c[178]1[176]c[178]2[176]c[178]3[167][137]350
- 310 nm[178]ma[170][197](c$(c,b)):ny[178]yl[170][197](c$(c,b[170]1)):nt[178]pt[170][197](c$(c,b[170]2)):[137]400
- 350 nm[178]ma[171][197](c$(c,b)):ny[178]yl[171][197](c$(c,b[170]1)):nt[178]pt[171][197](c$(c,b[170]2))
- 400 [153]"load try these new values for another
- 405 print" test print:"
- 410 print:print"magenta filter = ";nm
- 420 print:print"yellow filter = ";ny
- 430 print:print"exposure time = ";nt;"seconds"
- 435 print"[162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]"
- 440 print" 1... test a different print"
- 445 print:print" 2... re-test the same print"
- 448 print:print" 3... end the program"
- 450 b$="":d=0:getb$:ifb$=""then450
- 455 d=val(b$):ifd=1thengoto100
- 460 ifd=2thengoto100
- 465 ifd=3thenprint"[147]":goto63000
- 470 goto450
- 500 ma=nm:yl=ny:pt=nt:mn=0:ny=0:nt=0:print"[147]":goto220
- 5000 dimc$(6,13)
- 5010 for i = 0 to 5
- 5020 for j = 0 to 12
- 5030 read c$(i,j)
- 5035 next j
- 5040 nexti:return
- 5045 data red,5,5,2,10,10,2,20,20,7,30,30,14
- 5050 data green,5,0,1,10,0,2,20,0,2,30,0,4
- 5055 data blue,0,5,1,0,10,1,0,20,1,0,30,1
- 5060 data cyan,5,5,2,10,10,2,20,20,2,30,30,4
- 5065 data magenta,5,0,1,10,0,1,20,0,5,30,0,10
- 5070 data yellow,0,5,1,0,10,1,0,20,1,0,30,2
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end